Courses & Teaching Assistant.


The courses that I TA'ed are bolded. If a number is in brackets it means I TA'ed the course more than once. Most of the information is directly referenced from the Caltech's course catalogue.

  • ACM 117 - Probability Theory and Computational Mathematics
  • CS 159 - Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (LLM Inference And Reasoning)
  • CS 148 - Advanced Topics in Vision: Large Language and Vision Models
  • CMS 155 -Machine Learning & Data Mining
  • CMS 144 - Networks: Structure & Economics
  • CS 165 - Foundations of Machine Learning and Statistical Inference
  • ACM 101A - Methods of Applied Mathematics
  • CMS 122 - Mathematical Optimization
  • CMS 107A - Linear Analysis

University of Alberta

The courses that I TA'ed are bolded. If a number is in brackets it means I TA'ed the course twice, and DR signifies TA'ed the course in Decima Robinson Support Center. Most of the information is directly referenced from the University of Alberta's course catalogue.

  • MATH 417 - Honors Real Variables I (Measure Theory)
  • MATH 253 - Theory of Interest
  • CMPUT 365 - Reinforcement Learning
  • CMPUT 366 - Search and Planning in Artificial Intelligence
  • CMPUT 497 - Reading Course (Foundations of Deep Learning and Kernel Methods)
  • MATH 436 - Intermediate Partial Differential Equations I
  • MATH 411 - Honors Complex Variables
  • CMPUT 474 - Formal Languages, Automata, Computability and Complexity Theory
  • CMPUT 469 - Artificial Intelligence Capstone
  • MATH 499 - Research Thesis
  • MATH 298 - Problem-Solving Seminar (Putnam Preparation)
  • MATH 337 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  • MATH 381 - Numerical Methods I
  • CMPUT 367 - Intermediate Machine Learning (ML Theory II)
  • CMPUT 304 - Advanced Algorithms (Complexity Theory and Randomized Algorithms as well)
  • CMPUT 267 - Basics of Machine Learning (ML Theory I)
  • CMPUT 204 - Algorithms I
  • MATH 336 - Honors Ordinary Differential Equations (Dynamical Systems included)
  • MATH 317 - Honors Advanced Calculus II (Topology, Differential Forms and Multivariate Real Analysis)
  • MATH 372 - Mathematical Modelling I
  • MATH 217 - Honors Advanced Calculus I (Multivariate Real Analysis)(DR)
  • MATH 328 - Algebra: Group Theory
  • MATH 322 - Graph Theory
  • CMPUT 291 - Introduction to File and Database Management
  • CMPUT 328 - Visual Recognition/Computer Vision (Deep Learning)
  • CMPUT 272 - Formal Systems and Logic in Computing Science
  • MATH 227 - Honors Linear Algebra II (DR)
  • MATH 118 - Honors Calculus II (Real Analysis II)
  • CMPUT 175 - Introduction to the Foundations of Computation II
  • MATH 117 - Honors Calculus I (Real Analysis I)(2)
  • MATH 127 - Honors Linear Algebra I (DR)
  • CMPUT 174 - Introduction to the Foundations of Computation I
  • STAT 151 - Introduction to Applied Statistics I